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Industrial park in Banfu delivered ahead of schedule
Updated: 2024-06-27    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


The delivery ceremony for the first factory buildings of the Zhongshan City Construction-ZOINA Hi-Tech Innovation Park was held on June 25. Eight high-standard factory buildings were delivered to 14 enterprises.

The Park is located in the Guangdong Banfu Economic Development Zone, with a land area of approximately 144 mu, a building area of approximately 280,000 square meters, and a total investment of about 1.1 billion yuan. It is expected to introduce 100 enterprises, generating an annual output value of 2 billion yuan and an annual tax revenue of 90.52 million yuan.

The Park targets enterprises in such strategic emerging industries as high-end intelligent equipment manufacturing and robots, optoelectronics, and next-generation information technology. It aims to become a new-type industrial platform that houses facilities for production, R&D and office use.

Currently, more than 20 companies have signed contracts to move into the Park, including over 10 listed companies, enterprises above designated size and high-tech enterprises.

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