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Zhongshan's 1st Cantonese cuisine chef training course launched
Updated: 2019-08-14    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


A lecturer explains how to use cooking utensils to the trainees. [Photo by Miao Xiaojian]

The first Cantonese cuisine chef training course in Zhongshan officially opened on August 12 in Zhongshan Sanxiang Polytechnic School, one of the two Guangdong Cantonese Cuisine Chef Training Bases. A total of 130 trainees attended the opening ceremony.

The first training course will be jointly taught by Guangdong Zheng Yaorong Cantonese Cuisine Studio and Zhongshan Ye Qinzhi Cantonese Cuisine Chef Studio. Registered Chinese cooking masters including Zheng Yaorong, Lin Kaisheng and Li Xiaorong will personally gives lectures.

The training course consists of 12 classes. Coursework includes basic theories of Chinese-style cuisine, basic practice on cutting skills, basic theories and skills of Chinese-style pastries, and recipes of over 30 renowned dishes.

"We have specifically designed the course, from where trainees can learn to cook fried Shiqi squab, Sanxiang stir-fries and other Zhongshan famous dishes, as well as modern twice-cooked pork, and other dishes that integrate Cantonese and Sichuan cuisines," said Zheng Yaorong.

Tuition fee for the course is 1,800 yuan per person. However, trainees only need to pay 800 yuan each, as the balance will be covered by the government and the training base. In addition, each trainee can also apply for a skill promotion subsidy of 2,000 yuan at most after the course if he/she has obtained a skill certificate.

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