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Ready-made food helps spread flavor of Zhongshan
Updated: 2023-06-12    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


"This is our newly developed product - Pepper Pork Stomach and Chicken Soup. It has been well received," said Wang Yu, director of the ready-made food department of Zhongshan Foodstuffs Import & Export Co on June 8.

Since last year, the company has been exploring the development of the pre-made food industry and launches 11 new ready-made dish products, including Shiqi Pigeon and Simmered Chicken in Soy Sauce, to help spread the flavor of Zhongshan to the world.

So far, the company has sold its ready-made dish products to over 20 provinces and municipalities, with total revenues of over 4 million yuan. In addition, the products are available in key tourist attractions in Zhongshan, including the Museum of Dr. Sun Yat-sen and Zhan's Garden, allowing visitors from outside Zhongshan to learn more about Zhongshan specialties.

The company's Baishi Pig Farm, Baishi Chicken Farm and Shiqi Pigeon Farm have been accredited to export farm products to Hong Kong and Macao, with total annual revenues of more than 2 billion yuan.

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