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Eligible enterprise can receive 100,000 yuan subsidy at most
Updated: 2018-09-18    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film, Television, Press and Publication recently issued the “Measures for the Administration of Statistics and Construction Expenditure of Culture-related Enterprises in Zhongshan City (2018)” which addresses relevant subsidy standards.

According to The Measures, those culture-related enterprises scaling up to above-scale enterprises can receive an once-for-all subsidy of 100,000 yuan after being included in the culture-related business directory by National Bureau of Statistics. The original above-scale enterprises can also receive an once-for-all subsidy of 50,000 yuan after being included in the culture-related business directory.

As of the end of 2017, there are 323 above-scale culture-related enterprises in Zhongshan.

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