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Go players from Chaozhou visit Zhongshan for ‘battles’
Updated: 2018-09-19    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The Intangible Cultural Heritage Go Experience Activity cum Zhongshan-Chaozhou Go Exchange Competition was held in Zhongshan Cultural Center on September 15. Go players from both cities learned from each other and grew closer through the battles.

The youngest player of the competition was only 7-year-old. Zhongshan team won finally after heated competition.

The annual Zhongshan-Chaozhou Go Exchange Competition started since 2014, according to Xu Shuxiang, head coach of Zhongshan Go Team. Later this year, Zhongshan players will visit Chaozhou for another exchange activity.

Reportedly, Zhongshan people’s enthusiasm towards Go is getting stronger these days. About 6,000 people choose to learn Go at weekends. Up to 40,000 children approach to Go at schools.

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