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Glass library in Sanxiang gains popularity
Updated: 2019-04-09    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


Recently, a newly built glass library standing by the side of rice fields in Sanxiang Town caught the public's attention. People who come here can admire the green rice paddies while reading books.

The glass libary is situated next to the Cultural Service Center of Qiaotou Village in Sanxiang Town, Zhongshan. The first object one notices in the library is a panoramic rice field view, with the Xiaolanghuan Mountain standing far away.

Jagged bookshelves are placed in the library. There are more than 2,000 books and up to 15 seats in the glass library with WIFI coverage. A bar counter is also set inside, where readers can enjoy drinks and other refreshments in the near future.

The library is also connected to the inter-library loan system with the city's library.

According to Chen Huankun, the person in charge of Sanxiang Library, readers are allowed to enjoy various sceneries if they come to the book house in different occasions. He hopes readers will have both spiritual and visual enjoyment here. 

The library is currently under trial run, and it will be officially opened later this month.

Besides the glass library, the Sanxiang authority has also built two other literacy centers in Huafeng Business District and the Sanxiang Sports Center respectively.

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