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Promoting rule of law spirit with calligraphy works
Updated: 2019-04-26    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


At the opening ceremony, members of the Zhongshan Calligraphers Association and Zhongshan Artists Association were painting.[Photo by Li Xusheng]

The "Guangdong Rule of Law Calligraphy Exhibition (Zhongshan)" co-organized by the Politics and Law Committee of CPC Zhongshan Committee, Zhongshan Bureau of Justice and Zhongshan Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau was unveiled on Wednesday afternoon at the Zhongshan Museum of Art.

The event marked the inception of the "Guangdong Rule of Law Calligraphy Exhibition Tour". A total of 140 calligraphy works created by calligraphers from the Calligraphers Association of Guangdong Province, outstanding members of the calligraphers associations of the provincial administration of justice, excellent members of the Zhongshan Calligraphers Association, and award winners of the Zhongshan "Drunken Dragon Cup" Rule of Law Calligraphy and Painting Competition for Primary and Secondary School Students are displayed.

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