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Rural revitalization-themed art exhibition opens
Updated: 2022-09-28    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


The Zhongshan Rural Revitalization Art Exhibition Tour opened at the Zhongshan Museum of Art on September 28.

Nearly 200 works created by students, adults and specially invited artists are on display. The rural and cultural landscapes and daily lives came to life through the works of artists, eulogizing the achievements of Zhongshan in advancing rural revitalization and the brand-new look of agricultural and rural development.

This exhibition has one main exhibition hall and nine sub-exhibition halls. The main exhibition hall is located on the second floor of the Zhongshan Museum of Art from September 28 to October 16. Sub-exhibition halls are set up in South District, Wuguishan District, Nanlang District, Banfu Town, Henglan Town, Sanxiang Town, Tanzhou Town, Xiaolan Town and Huangpu Town, and they will be exhibited in three batches from October 20 to late December.

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