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Stars, online influencers' first experience on ShenZhong Link
Updated: 2024-06-25    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


▲Stars and online influencers visit the ShenZhong Link

A special visiting activity was held in Zhongshan from June 21 to 22 to showcase the city's business environment and achievements on high-quality development.

About 120 people, including such movie and TV stars from Hong Kong as Eric Tsang, Alan Tam and Michael Miu and online influencers from Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, took part in the activity.


Eric Tsang

"I feel extremely thrilled to be the first to step on the ShenZhongshan Link. At the same time, I strongly perceive the growing strength of our country," says Eric Tsang, adding that many Hong Kong residents live and enjoy retirement in Zhongshan, which indicates that Zhongshan is a livable city.

Alan Tam has a strong affinity for Zhongshan's delectable cuisine, especially Shiqi Pigeon. He also enjoys playing golf in Zhongshan. "Once the Link opens, I definitely will come to Zhongshan frequently."

The delegation also visited the exhibition hall of the ShenZhong Link, the Cuiheng New District planning exhibition hall, and the Zhongshan Institute for Drug Discovery.

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