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Promoting Excellent Chinese Traditional Culture: Chinese Costume Parade at China (Hong Kong) English School
Updated: 2023-11-23    Source: C.H.E.S. Large Medium Small Print

China (Hong Kong) English School recently held a traditional Chinese costume parade, featuring classic characters such as "Monkey King", "Nezha (哪吒)", "Zhu geLiang (诸葛亮)" and "Mulan (木兰)". The children, once again, were able to deeply experience and learn the traditional Chinese culture by playing the roles of iconic Chinese characters.

Students in traditional costume during the parade.

At present, there are over 1,000 students in the primary section of China (Hong Kong) English School, nearly half of whom come from Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and abroad. In order to promote the excellent Chinese traditional culture, the school holds a series of activities during the annual "Chinese Traditional Culture Week", including ancient poetry reading, calligraphy competition, Cantonese culture promotion, etc. Among them, traditional Chinese costumes parade is highly favored by students and parents.

Which characters are these kids cosplaying?

Liu Jiarui, a primary school student, said that in preparation for this traditional costume parade, she spent a long time in choosing the right mythological character and also studying the character's personalities in order to match it with the appropriate traditional costume. Charles, a P.5 student who is from France, is very fond of traditional Chinese culture. Speaking in fluent Mandarin, he shared, "I learned my Chinese at China (Hong Kong) English School. When I return to France, I will teach my parents to speak Chinese."

Dr. Jonathan K.C. Choi, founder and chairman of China (Hong Kong) English School, is also the founding president of the Zhongshan Chinese Culture Promotion Association. At the beginning of the establishment of the school, he set an excellent educational concept of "Where East & West Unite Their Best". Over the years, the school has participated in organizing a number of city traditional cultural activities, such as "Zhongshan Traditional Chinese Culture Knowledge Contest", "Chinese Character Spelling Contest", "Zhongshan Chinese Character Writing Contest", "Zhongshan Classic Recitation Contest", etc. In the past 30 years, the educational concept of the school has been well validated - its quality international education achievements have been recognized by many overseas universities, cultivating many multilingual talents who inherit and promote the excellent traditional Chinese culture and can confidently tell the Chinese story to the whole world.

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