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100 photos displayed to show 2 cities' friendship
Updated: 2021-09-10    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

With the theme of "Two Cities, Two Celebrities, Centennial Friendship", the Zhongshan and Nagasaki, Sun Yat-sen and Umeya Shokichi Photo Exhibition was launched at the Museum of Dr Sun Yat-sen on September 8.

Nearly 120 pictures are on display in the exhibition. From September to December, citizens can log in to the official websites of the Zhongshan Bureau of Foreign Affairs and the Museum of Dr Sun Yat-sen to enjoy the exhibition online.

In January 1895, Dr Sun Yat-sen established the Revive China Society in Hong Kong, where he met Mr Umeya Shokichi, who was born in Nagasaki, Japan, and they became intimate friends. Umeya Shokichi devoted his life to supporting Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary cause, and their friendship became a much-told story.

In September 2011, Zhongshan and Nagasaki signed a Memorandum of Friendship and Cooperation to establish sister city relations. Over the past 10 years, the 2 sides have yielded fruitful exchanges and cooperation in government, economy, trade, culture, education and sports.

2021 marks the 10th anniversary of the close relationship between Zhongshan and Nagasaki. The 2 cities plan and host this online photo exhibition together, providing a channel for citizens to have a deep understanding of the historical origin of their friendship and communication in the past decade.

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