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'My China Story' international media competition kicks off
Updated: 2022-12-14    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


"My China Story of the Greater Bay Area" International Media Competition, hosted by the China Foreign Languages Publishing Administration and supported by the Information Office of People's Government of Guangdong Province and the Zhongshan People's Government, was launched on December 12, and the opening ceremony was held both in Beijing and Zhongshan through online channels. 

The competition is held to tell and share the stories in the Greater Bay Area about the GBA development, Sino-foreign exchanges, practice and innovation, typical cases, cities, enterprises and figures from a third party perspective. It aims to collect original works of text, pictures and short videos suitable for international communication from Chinese and foreign media agencies, government departments, think tanks, colleges and universities, we-media teams and individuals and enterprises at home and abroad especially in Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao and relevant provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities).

Entries can be contributed via such channels as official e-mail, Toutiao, iXigua and Sina Weibo by February 28, 2023.

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