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Appreciating ceramic art in a market
Updated: 2023-05-24    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


A ceramic exhibition, with the theme of "Charm of Xiangshan Ceramics in Liangdu", opened in the cultural and creative area of Huancheng Market, South District on May 22. The exhibition will run until June 5, with more than 300 ceramic handicrafts on display.

Huancheng Market is one of the farmer's markets renovated earlier in Zhongshan. Its cultural and creative area showcases materials about the Big Four Department Stores including Wing On and Sincere, as well as anecdotes of celebrities in South District.

The ceramic exhibition has attracted flocks of visitors since its opening. The left section displays ceramic works featuring Zhongshan's top 10 views, and the right section presents works by local ceramic artists.

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