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Concert staged to commemorate 125th birth anniversary of Lyu Wencheng
Updated: 2023-05-31    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


This year marks the 125th anniversary of the birth of Cantonese music master Lyu Wencheng. On the night of May 29, the Glory of Cantonese Music concert, created by the Xiangshan Research Institute of Cantonese Opera and Zhongshan Lyu Wencheng Cantonese Music Art Center, was staged at the Zhongshan Culture & Art Center.

The concert presented Lyu's classic music pieces such as Awakening Lion, Autumn Moon Over Calm Lake and Higher Step by Step, showing his contributions to the development of folk music and brilliant life. 

Lyu Wencheng (1898-1981) was one of the originators as well as a famous composer, performer, innovator of Cantonese music. He was also an outstanding Cantonese opera singer and a renowned music master.

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