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5th Zhongshan Cross-Strait Forum opens
Updated: 2023-09-09    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print


The 5th Zhongshan Cross-Strait Forum opened on September 7 in Zhongshan city, Guangdong province, with over 2,000 participants from both sides of the Taiwan Strait as well as from Hong Kong and Macao regions.

Participants exchanged views on such topics as "Sun Yat-sen's Outlook on Development and Chinese Modernization", "Deepening Cross-Strait Business Cooperation, Pursuing High-quality Development", and "Promoting Sun Yat-sen's Patriotic Ideals and Passing on Fine Traditional Chinese Culture".

During the forum, the Zhongshan municipal government and the Association of Taiwan Investment Enterprises on the Mainland signed a cooperation agreement on deepening cross-Strait industrial collaboration to promote high-quality development.

The three-day forum includes the opening ceremony, three sub-forums and five exchange activities.

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