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Zhongshan's export volume up 40% in the first half
Updated: 2017-08-14    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

In the first six months of the year, Zhongshan’s economic structure saw better optimization, according to the municipal economic analysis meeting convened days before. In specific, the export volume for the first half of the year increased by 40.6%, the second highest in Guangdong.

Industry mainly supported the economic growth in the first half. In specific, the city’s above-scale industrial added value increased 7.5% to 75.9bn yuan. The proportion of heavy industry rose to 47.1%. The rate of growth contribution from above-scale industry, special equipment manufacturing, computers,communications and other electronic equipment manufacturing as well as electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing was as high as 77.4%.

In terms of foreign trade, the total exports and imports volume of the city was up 32.6% to 135.3bn yuan. Specifically, the export volume was 110.9bn yuan, with a second largest 40.6% growth in Guangdong province.

In the first six months, Zhongshan’ resident income growth was 12%, which was higher than the economic growth. Urban resident disposable income and rural resident disposable income increased 12% and 11.6% respectively.

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