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Ecological construction and environmental protection planning issued
Updated: 2017-08-14    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The city Environmental Protection Bureau has issued “The 13th Five - Year Plan of Ecological Construction and Environmental Protection of Zhongshan City” days before. The plan has cleared the developing tasks, planning objectives and implementation measures of 12 key areas during the 13th Five – Year. 

The plan proposed to strengthen the management of fume in catering industry, including arranging the catering industry reasonably, carrying out unified planning in central area of the catering industry, using clean energy as fuel and installing fume purification facilities.

According to the plan, the comprehensive goal of water environment during the 13th Five - Year Plan is water environment quality be improved and water ecosystem function be recovered.

The plan proposed that in order to master the soil environmental quality situation, the Environmental Protection Bureau should conduct site soil survey and risk assessment to heavy metal pollution industrial enterprise sites and carry out repair demonstration project.

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