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‘Shenzhong Channel’ management center signs cooperative agreement with GDMSA
Updated: 2017-08-15    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Recently, Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel Management Center signs cooperative agreement with Guangdong Maritime Safety Administration (GDMSA), which specifies the navigation safety planning and implementation work will be led by the GDMSA and cooperated by both parties. 

Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel is an integrated underground project of bridge, islands and tunnel. “Shenzhong Channel” is 24km long ( consists of a 6.8km-long undersea tunnel and a 17.2km-long sea bridge) with 2 artificial islands. Most of the project is constructed under the sea. Since the construction will be done under complex water and geological condition, there will be great technological difficulty and high security risk. 

According to Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel Management Center, the signing of the agreement provides an important guarantee for the maritime safety for both sides.

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