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Survey shows ‘prepaid consumption traps everywhere’
Updated: 2017-08-17    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan Investigation Team of the National Bureau of Statistics recently conducted a survey and analysis on the prepaid consumption status of in Zhongshan.

According to the survey report, six out of ten respondents and their families had prepaid consumption. About 48.4% of respondents had six months or above prepaid consumption cycle, while 44.9% spent more than 1000 yuan on prepaid consumption.

Many respondents said they had ever been cheated in prepaid consumption. They had met problems such as “extended balances reset”, “services and products inconstant with publicity”, “unqualified product”, “terminated service without authorization”, “business closed with money hacked”, and etc.

Zhongshan Investigation Team of the National Bureau of Statistics suggested that consumers should further strengthen rational consuming conception and raise awareness of rights protection.

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