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Shenzhen CPPCC delegation takes investigation trip in Zhongshan
Updated: 2017-08-28    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

A Shezhen delegation led by President of Shenzhen CPPCC Xu Youjun took an investigation trip to Zhongshan for “Shenzhen-Zhongshan three-dimensional transportation interconnection”. The delegation visited the west landing point of Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge, the construction site of Zhongshan-Kaiping Highway, Zhongshan Tsuihang New District Planning Exhibition Center, and was seated in the symposium with representatives of Zhongshan development and reform, transportation and urban planning departments.

During the meeting, Zhongshan Municipal Party Secretary Chen Xudong described Shenzhen delegation’s visit as “an introduction of precious experience to Zhongshan”. He underlined Zhongshan would actively participate in development of “Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area” through referencing Shenzhen’s initiative experience and taking over high-end resources from Shenzhen.

Representatives of both cities also agreed to establish a joint team for researching relevant arguments, policies-making, management mechanism and implementation.

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