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‘Channa argus’ market recovers
Updated: 2017-08-28    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Since the beginning of August, price of Channa argus rose to 18 yuan/kg from 12 yuan/kg in April.The “Channa argus” market recovers and is promising.

At present, Zhongshan has more than 7000 mu of Channa argus breeding areas. The fish type farmed in Zhongshan is a crossbreed of local species and Hong Kong species and is welcomed by restaurant owners.

“However, the culturing cost was not much lower than the selling price in the past 2-3 years, leading to losses of most farmers. The price started to rise since this April and stood at a high point. The price in August reaches historical high 18 yuan/kg.” Said Yang Jing, engineer of Sanjiao Township Agricultural Office. Owing to the recent hot weather, added Yang, the transporting cost of Channa argus to other places increased, which meant high temperature restricted sales of Channa argus. 

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