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Over 40 Zhongshan athletes take part in the 13th National Games
Updated: 2017-08-29    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The opening ceremony of The 13th National Games of China was held at the Tianjin Olympic Center Stadium on the evening of August 27th. Guangdong delegation, whose members were wearing the apparel specially designed by the sponsor BIEM.L.FDLKK, was the 20th to march in the stadium. Zhongshan athlete “the Asian flying-man” Su Bingtian appeared and was warmly cheered and applauded by the audience. 

In this National Games, Guangdong delegation is composed of over 40 athletes from Zhongshan and will participate in finals of 14 programs. Su Bingtian, Liang Wenchong, Wang Xueer, Liang Weixiong, among others, are expected to win gold medals for Guangdong team in track and field, golf, swimming, equestrian, rowing and other programs.

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