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Contract signed for part of the construction of West Artificial Island of Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel
Updated: 2017-09-01    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel Management Center recently signed project contract with CCCC First Harbor Engineering Company to build the West Artificial Island S02 section, another key part of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel construction work.

Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel is a world-class challenging construction work that includes tunnels, islands, bridge and underwater passage. The west artificial island is located west of Fanshi Waterway, connected to the tunnel in the east and non-navigable span of the Lingdingyang Bridge in the west. The S02 section signed in this contract is based on the S01 section of making and installing large diameter cylinders for the west artificial island.

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