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Students from plateau on a transfer program to Zhongshan
Updated: 2017-09-01    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Bai Ma Jin Mei (transliteration) and other five students, who come from Gongbo'gyamda County in Tibet, officially became the school's freshmen when they took over the blue and white uniform from principal Jiang Xiaomin of Zhongshan Experimental Middle School. They will spend 3 years’ junior high school time here on a temporary transfer program.

These are the first Gongbo'gyamda students, whose tuition fees are financed by Zhongshan Municipal Government, study at Zhongshan Experimental Middle School on a temporary basis. 

Since 2017, Zhongshan is commissioned to train 5 junior school students for Gongbo 'gvamda County each year. Zhongshan Experimental Middle School is responsible for the training and the tuition will be funded by the government. .

During the past year, Zhongshan innovated in the "Aiding Tibet in Education" program through intellectual input, inter-school assistance, famous teacher exchanges and guidance, scientific research, course reform, resource library development and campus construction to promote the overall level of Gongbo 'gvamda County’s education and the local education’s confidence on educational development.

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