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Free Wi-fi to be available in public areas
Updated: 2017-09-04    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

According to Zhongshan Economic and Information Technology Bureau, they are now choosing a service supplier for the establishment of Wi-fi access points in the public areas in Zhongshan. By the end of this year, the designated service supplier is required to finish the establishment of 250 Wi-fi hot spots as well as no more than 4040 access points and the public can access to the Wi-fi services for free within the next two year.

The Wi-fi services are expected to cover all the public areas providing social services in Zhongshan, including administrative service halls, waiting halls of public transportation, all bus lines, waiting areas in public hospitals, resting areas in municipal parks, activity areas in all theatres and stadiums as well as key industrial parks.

A unique and unified logo as well as a users’ guideline and disclaimer will be used for the Wi-fi services. Users are required to log in by means of password authentication and they can access to the WI-fi services automatically without password in the next three months. They can also roam among various access points after logging to the Wi-fi.

The service supplier will ensure the security of the Wi-fi services from such three aspects as network security, application security and information security.

By the end of 2016, there have been 4456 Wi-fi hot spots and and 22919 access points. However, with the development of 4G mobile services, Zhongshan will make greater investment into the free Wi-fi services in the public areas around the city. In the future, there will be more and more diversified information applications and services provided by various application and service suppliers.

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