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Special tourism project ‘Dongsheng Fishery Town’ signed
Updated: 2017-09-12    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The 2017 China (Guangdong) International Tourism Industry Expo was held in Guangzhou’s China Import and Export Fair Complex from September 8 to 11, in which “Zhongshan Special Exhibition Area” made its eye-catching debut. The reporter learned from Zhongshan Tourism Bureau that the characteristic investment project “Dongsheng Fishery Town” was signed over the 2017 Guangdong Tourism Industry Investing and Financing Matching Conference on the morning of September 9. 

It is learned that the “Dongsheng Fishery Town” project is based on local crisped grass crap industry and takes fishery sightseeing as its theme. It focuses on creating a collection of fishery sightseeing, native crisped grass crap foods, maritime hotel accommodation, yacht fast-flowing, wedding ceremony at flower sea, and popularization of agriculture while upgrading industrial chain and enhancing the nobility of Dongsheng town in Pearl River Delta region or even across the whole nation.

The basement of this project is located in the east of Dongsheng town near Xiaolan waterway. The total investment of the project is 600 million yuan, and the total area covers about 4000 acres. It consists of six functional districts including hydrophilic resort district, fishery sightseeing and experimenting district, flower sea district for wedding ceremony, intensive processing park of crisped grass crap, yacht VIP district and popularization of science district.

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