On the morning of September 12, 285 new recruits were receiving closed
preservice training in Wuguishan National Defense Education
According to Guo Shengrong, staff officer of Zhongshan Military
Subarea Mobilization Department, it was the first time to carry out "preservice
training" for new recruits this year in Zhongshan. Preservice training, which
refers to adaptive training for recruits after the collective confirmation of
soldier and before the departure, includes individual military queue movement
practice, simple physical exercises, ideological education courses, patriotic
films watching, weapons exhibition tour, housekeeping lessons, and etc. The
training will play an important role in correcting recruits’ army motivation,
reducing quit risk, and improving their physical and mental
Reportedly, most of the new recruits were well adapted,
while only few of them encountered physical discomfort.
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