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Deadline of deed tax payment extended
Updated: 2017-09-22    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

“In future, deed tax can be paid off just before ‘applying for the certificate’, which is more flexible for tax payer.” Said citizen Mr Chen happily.

It was informed from the Zhongshan Local Taxation Bureau that there was a major adjustment in the deadline of payment of deed tax generated by purchasing house and land in Zhongshan, and that the payment declaration of deed tax would be extended until applying for the ownership registration of real estate. The new regulation will be implemented from this October 1 on with validity period of 5 years. It is expected to benefit 160,000 taxpayers all over the city. More than 1.7 billion yuan of deed tax could be deferred annually, enabling taxpayers to save the capital occupation cost of over 50 million yuan.

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