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Zhongshan purchases private school vacancies for the migrant children
Updated: 2018-09-11    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

In the academic year of 2017, Zhongshan government intends to “purchase school vacancies” for eligible migrant children who study in grade 6 in private primary schools or grade 3 in private junior high schools, which means to subsidize them in tuition and extra fees. The list of the first 3,600 eligible grade 3 junior school students is now publicized on the official website of municipal education department.

According to relevant regulation introduced in this June, the municipal government will purchase a certain amount of vacancies of grade 6 in primary schools and grade 3 in junior high schools for eligible migrant children and subsidize them in tuition and extra fees. Annually, each qualified grade 6 primary student can receive 5000 yuan per year, while grade 3 junior student can receive 6000 yuan (both including subsidies of tuition, extra fees and textbooks).

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