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Zhongshan owns 70 scientific and technological incubators and maker spaces
Updated: 2017-09-25    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan has been cultivating and developing new driver of growth through promotion of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation". Up to now there are 70 scientific and technological incubators and maker spaces altogether in Zhongshan, covering over 1 million square meters area and hatching 1,313 enterprises. 

Up to 52 out of the 70 are city-level or above, including 3 national scientific and technological incubators and 6 provincial ones as well as 1 national maker spaces and 6 provincial ones.

Private and social capital is encouraged to join investment on the development of incubators and entrepreneurship parks in particular the Zhongshan Students Entrepreneurial Base, the Zhongshan-Guangdong Joint Agricultural Entrepreneurship Base for College Graduates and the Zhongshan EC Work Incubation Base.

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