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Life waste sorting machines placed in pilot communities
Updated: 2017-09-30    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

“Scan the QR code and register an account, select recycling type and throw it into the cabin, then you can get credit points as a reward.” Recently, there appeared a line of “blue, red and green” machines in Tianming Garden in Shiqi district, which attracted citizen’s attention. Staffs were giving instructions to citizens about the operation next to the machines.

According to Zhongshan Environmental Management Administration, Zhongshan launched the “intelligent life waste sorting system” pilot project on that day, in order to comply with instructions provided by the central environmental protection inspection team. 

“The recycling machines are still in pilot operation. At present we pay 0.2 yuan for a recycled bottle and 0.8 yuan for a kilo recovered materials to encourage citizens’ participation.” Said Zheng Wenxiao, who is responsible for the promotion of the project from Mingcheng Science Company. Zhongshan Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development also held publicity activities that promote rubbish categorization on the scene and instructed citizens to use these machines. 

According to Zhongshan Environmental Management Office, there are five life waste sorting stations in Zhongshan. The recycling system can be operated online and offline, and recycle wasted paper and plastics with blue cabins, old clothes with green cabins and harmful waste with red ones. The operating system will alarm and remind rubbish collectors to transport the rubbish away when the station is full. 

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