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44 ‘National Day babies’ born in three major hospitals
Updated: 2017-10-10    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

On October 1, there were 44 "National Day babies" were born in three major hospitals (Boai Hospital, Zhongshan People's Hospital and Zhongshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital), including 28 baby boys and 16 girls, among which 30 were born in vaginal delivery and 14 given birth by caesarean section.

Mr. Zhou's wife from Shenwan Town gave birth to a 3.85-kg baby boy at 7:25pm on October 1 in Zhongshan people's hospital.

"We did not expect that the baby is to be born on National Day. It was also Sunday. We thought it was meaningful and we gave him a nickname called ‘Tian Tian’ (means ‘Day Day’ in English)." Mr. Zhou said.

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