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Main attractions in Zhongshan packed during National Day holiday
Updated: 2017-10-11    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Reporters learned from the municipal tourism bureau that during the National Day holiday Zhongshan’s tourism market run smoothly, while leisure tourism was still popular. During the “Golden Week” 328,900 visitors stay overnight in Zhongshan, with an increase of 19.92%. The city’s tourism revenue totaled 770 million yuan, with an increase of 12.33%.

During the holiday, quite a few splendid activities held in Zhongshan. Among them, the Guangdong-Zhongshan 2017 Culture Creativity Expo Fair (2017CCEF) held in Dachong Redwood Culture Expo City attracted 200,000 tourists, double of last year’s.

In scenic spot, the “Sun Yat-sen Hometown Tourist Area” which displays scenic history and intangible cultural heritage totally received 195.8 thousand tourists,with an increase of 39.97%, during the holiday.

This year's National Day Golden Week coincides with the Mid-Autumn Festival. The proportion of  relative-visiting trips and family self-driving trips increased dramatically. Self-driving also became the main way of holiday traveling.

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