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Green lanes with flowers and trees to appear in Qijiang river bank
Updated: 2017-10-11    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

According to Zhongshan Housing and Construction Bureau, new scenery belts will emerge in the surrounding environment of Qijiang river. The ecological scenery belt (extending from Dongming Bridge to Changjiang Bridge) and the yacht dock scenery belt have been completed in September and will open to the public within 2017, which mark another great development in the Qijiang river environment improvement project after the Dragon Boat Culture Theme Park opened in May. 

The yacht dock scenery belt lies on the east side of Dongming Bridge, with planned roads leading to it. The 1,034-meter belt covers an area of 37,958 square meters. There is space where race dragon boat can be placed within the park. 

In the yacht dock scenery belt, a green lane with flowers and gardens will emerge. Tourists can enjoy fun bicycle-riding among flowers and plants. The green lane also connects with the bicycle lanes of the surrounding park and together constitute an integrated bicycle lane system.

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