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Protection and renovation plan for Huantiecheng district publicized
Updated: 2017-10-12    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

How to invigorate the vitality of Huantiecheng district? And how to advance old city protection and urban development synchronously? According to Zhongshan Planing Bureau, the Protection and renovation plan for Huantiecheng district is publicized. The district, mainly with “Xiangshan life” spirit, seeks to become a combination of tourist zone and commercial zone.

Huantiecheng district originally covers an area of 22.7 hectares within the city wall of the Ming dynasty. After analyzing the district situation, conducting research on the history and meeting the need to launch protection, the area of Huantiecheng district is redetermined. Specifically, the district now covers an area of 57.5 hectares, ranging from Yuelai South Road, Taiping Road, Liantang Road, Sunwen East Road, Hebo Street, Guiyuan Road, Minzu East Road to Fengyuan Business Street.

Currently, the cultural and historical resources within the district, including 15 unmovable cultural relics and 13 historical buildings, are well preserved. 

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