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Zhongshan to open registry for new energy vehicle license plate next month
Updated: 2017-10-12    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan traffic police announced on October 10 that starting from November Zhongshan will begin to issue new type of license plates for new energy vehicles. Car owners who have an ordinary plate can apply for a new one of their own accord, or continue to use the old one. 

The newly registered new energy vehicles will all be installed new license plates. All with a green undertone, the plates for small cars are in gradient green, while for larger vehicles are in yellow and green combined.

From November 1 on, ten cities including Zhongshan will become the second cities in China to issue new license plates for new energy vehicles. Zhongshan is the second city in Guangdong to open registry, following Shenzhen.

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