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12 new kindergarten approved establishment
Updated: 2017-10-13    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Reporters learned from the Municipal Education and Sports Bureau that since July this year, 12 kindergartens have been approved establishment and another 5 are planned to set up.

Among the 12 established kindergartens, Biaoban Bandao Kindergarten in Gangkou town and LeErLe Kindergarten in Shaxi are the largest scale school, with 18 classes and 630 number of enrollments each. All 12 kindergartens can hold 5162 students.

Another 5 kindergartens, including Aileqi kindergarten in Xiaolan, have been approved to establish. In accordance with relevant regulation the preparatory period can not be more than 3 years. Afterwards they can apply for the formal establishment of kindergarten.

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