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36 negotiating drugs covered by medical insurance reimbursement
Updated: 2017-10-13    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Starting from October 1, Zhongshan will implement basic medical insurance, occupational injury insurance and maternity insurance standard complying with the “2017 national drug directory”. Up to 36 negotiating drugs, including 31 western medicines and 5 Chinese patent medicines, are covered by medical insurance reimbursement.

In April this year, Chinese Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security released a list of 44 negotiating drugs. After negotiations between government and relevant enterprises, 36 drugs have been confirmed. Compared with 2016, the retail prices of these drugs dropped by 44% averagely, 70% at most. Most of the imported drugs are lower priced than neighboring countries after negotiation. This means that citizens can save money when they pay for medical service using medical insurance. 

Zhongshan’s basic medical insurance will cover 90% of the medical bill and its occupational injury insurance and maternity insurance will cover 100% of the medical bill. The prices of these 36 negotiating drugs will be made strictly in accordance with regulations of the authorities. Patients just need to pay for the actual price for these drugs if they are priced lower than the standard of medical insurance.

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