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Zhongshan invests 3.7bn yuan on ‘Beautiful Villages’ development
Updated: 2017-10-23    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Since 2012, Zhongshan government has invested 3bn yuan, in addition to 0.7bn yuan of social funds, on totally 4091 “Beautiful Villages” development projects (rural infrastructure construction and cleanliness of villages ).

“Our village becomes much tidier and cleaner since then. More tourists come and support out business.” Mr Liang who runs a food shop in Longtang Village in Wuguishan District says. He believes the developing tourism and catering industries in the village do bring benefits to villagers.

Since the “Beautiful Villages” development started, Wuguishan District government has invested 150mn yuan of financial fund on 75 projects including the renovation of the Changmingshui Fitness Square and green space in Changmingshui Village.

The “Beautiful Villages” development projects make villages more beautiful and cultural. More tourists visit with money, leading to increasing income of villagers. Last year, Longtang Village’s collective income totaled 24.86mn yuan. The per capita net income of villagers increased 9.8% to 19,202 yuan. 

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