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Zhongshan Marathon to kick off on December 24
Updated: 2017-10-24    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

According to the press conference held by organizing committee on October 20, the 2017 Zhongshan Marathon will kick off at 7 am on December 24 .

The 2017 Zhongshan Marathon will include full Marathon, half Marathon, 12 km run and “fun run”. The starting point of the four will all be set in Zhongshan Gymnasium. Full Marathon (3000 competitors) and half Marathon (4000 competitors) started to accept application from October 20. The final list of competitors will be confirmed by preregistration and drawing. Application for 12 km run and “fun run” (both 4000 competitors) will start on October 23 on a first-come-first-served basis.

At the press conference, public security and health departments also announced the traffic and medical security and other related information of the event. 

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