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Zhongshan’s CPI for September shows a 0.4% growth over August
Updated: 2017-10-24    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

In September of 2017, Zhongshan’s CPI rose 0.4% from August and 2.1% from a year earlier. The price of vegetables on the whole rose by 4.5%, while that of fresh water fish decreased by 4.7%. 

Due to the frequent typhoon attacks, the production volume of fresh vegetables in Guangdong and neighbouring provinces decreased, which resulted in the rise of vegetable price in the first half of September. But in the second half of last month, the vegetable prices came down. On the whole, the vegetable price rose by 4.5%. 

Due to the the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, air ticket price rose by 6.2% and accommodation price by 3.1%. Energy price showed an upward trend, with petrol price up 0.8%, diesel oil up 0.3% and gas price up 7.3%. 

From January to September, Zhongshan’s CPI rose by 1.6%. Liquefied petroleum gas price showed a growth of 28.3%, western medicine price by 8.8% and medical service price by 15.3%. All these three prices show a substantial growth compared with the same period of last year. 

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