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Zhongshan adds three skills master studios
Updated: 2017-10-26    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau announced the list of the 2017 Zhongshan Skills Master Studios on October 24. The three newly added studios included the He Zhanquan Pottery Studio in Xiaolan Town, the Zhang Xiangyue Refrigeration Technology Studito in Huangpu Town and the Mai Peiyu Beautician Studio in Shiqi District. So far, there are 13 skills master studios in Zhongshan.

According to Zhongshan Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, since this year on the newly approved studios will be given 100,000 subsidy at a time. The subsidy is mainly used for the skills master studios in equipment purchases, technical research, technological innovation and so on.

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