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Key vehicles drivers ‘will be fined without undergoing inspection’
Updated: 2017-10-26    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

It is learned from Zhongshan traffic police that by October 23, total 1,603 key vehicles drivers have not participated in inspection according to relevant regulations. Traffic police department indicates that these “unqualified” drivers will be fined 200 yuan if they get caught driving on the road. 

“Key vehicles drivers” includes drivers holding A1、A2、A3、B1、B2 driving license. 

According to official from Zhongshan traffic police department, by October 23 there have been 1,603 Zhongshan key vehicles drivers without undergoing inspection. These drivers will be fined 200 yuan if they get caught driving on the road. For those do not participate in inspection for 3 consecutive years, their driving licenses will be canceled. Moreover, insurance companies will not cover the compensation for key vehicles drivers who have not undergone inspection when traffic accidents happen. 

Traffic police remind drivers that they need to check the date when they obtain the driving license for the first time and participate in the inspection on time to avoid fine or driving licence cancellation. 

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