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Registration for the 2018 National Civil Servant Exam begins
Updated: 2017-11-01    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

From October 30, registration for the 2018 National Civil Servant Exam began. Zhongshan region aimed to recruit 100 civil servants for 55 positions, both numbers achieved new high. The written test will be held on December 10. 

In recent years, the number of recruitment of national civil servants in Guangdong region is gradually increasing. The number of recruitment rose about 61% to 3069 in 2018 from 1906 in 2014.

The number of position and the number of recruitment increased yearly in Zhongshan region. In 2016, Zhongshan expected to recruit 36 persons for 21 positions. The numbers rose to 100 and 55 respectively in 2018. 

Reporters learned that there are requirements for English capacity for 47 out of 55 positions in Zhongshan region of the exam.

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