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Intelligent library in West District to open by the end of this month
Updated: 2017-11-09    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Reporter learned from the Western District Office that the intelligent library, located at West District Leisure Cultural Park, will officially open to public by the end of this month. Citizens can apply for library card which has the function of borrowing and returning books, inquiries, renewals and etc with a second-generation ID card.

"The library will open every day from 8:00 to 24:00. Citizens can apply for library cards, borrow and return books all by themselves as easily as they withdraw money from ATM machine." Official from Western District Office introduced that the intelligent library, with a total investment of more than 600,000 yuan, is located next to the entrance of the West District Leisure Cultural Park and covers an area of 60 square meters.

It is reported that the library can hold no less than 5,000 books covering philosophy, literature, history, geography, agriculture, medicine, education, arts and other categories.

The library is one of the first intelligent libraries developed in Zhongshan. There will be four libraries of this kind set up in the central city this year. 

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