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No traffic lights in Tanzhou Expressway (Phase 1)
Updated: 2017-11-10    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

It is learned from Zhongshan Transportation Bureau that a viaduct will be constructed along the road line of Chenggui Highway and all traffic lights will be removed in Tanzhou Expressway (Phase 1) project. 

Tanzhou Town is about 35km away from Zhongshan central city. Chenggui Highway and State Road G105 are the main channels connecting two places. But the traffic condition along these lines is relatively bad owing to the large number of traffic lights. 

In order to improve connectivity between Tanzhou and central city, Zhongshan’s traffic authority launched the feasibility research of Tanzhou Expressway and afterwards publicized the first environmental impact assessment report about the project.

According to the report, Tanzhou Expressway (Phase 1) starts at the intersection of South Outer Ring and Chenggui Highway, runs along Chenggui Highway from south to north, and ends in the intersection of Tanshen North Road and Tanshen Highway. 

Reportedly, Tanzhou Expressway (Phase 1) is 27.1 km long. It will be built into a two-way six lanes channel in accordance with first-class highway and city expressway standard, with 80km/h designed top speed limit. The project will cost about 7.6 billion yuan. 

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