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‘Practice activity class’ becomes compulsory in middle and primary schools
Updated: 2017-11-13    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

According to the latest guidance outline released by Chinese Ministry of Education recently, “practice activity class” will become compulsory course in middle and primary schools for students from first grade of primary school to third grade of senior high school.

Feng Yusheng, researcher of Zhongshan Teaching and Research Office, says that “practice activity class” has been opened in schools in Zhongshan for years.

“Primary school students of grade 3-6 and students of middle schools must take ‘practice activity class’ since 2002, in order to train their abilities.” Says Feng Yusheng. In addition, Zhongshan also introduces elementary school textbook, which themes on “Zhongshan Local Culture” such as Dachong rosewood, Shaxi clothing and fine food in Yakou.

Different from general courses like Chinese, maths and foreign language, there are regular teachers for “practice activity course”. “For example, if we want to learn knowledge about tooth this time, dentists will be the teacher of the class. And if the students want to learn powerpoint slides making, computer teachers will be the teacher.” Says Feng Yusheng.

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