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Zhongshan introduces the first work program for intelligent property protection
Updated: 2017-11-21    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan introduced the first work program for intelligent property protection last month. Recently, the official from Zhongshan Intellectual Property Office made an interpretation of the “Work Program for Strengthening Intellectual Property Protection of Zhongshan City”.

According to the work program, lighting, home appliances and mahogany furniture are defined as Zhongshan’s key protection industries, and the S-Light Lighting Expo Center, Huayi Square and China (Dachong) Redwood Cultural Expo City are the key markets of intellectual property protection.

Learning from the lighting "rapid safeguarding rights” experience, Zhongshan has founded two rapid rights protection centers for home appliances and mahogany furniture industries respectively in Huangpu and Dachong. 

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