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Zhongshan Reform and Development Institute undergoes leadership transition
Updated: 2017-11-21    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan Reform and Development Institute (ZSRDI) underwent leadership transition on November 18. Liang Shilun, Professor of UESTC,Zhongshan Institute and Director of Zhongshan Economic Research Institute, was elected the new director of ZSRDI.  

It is learned that ZSRDI was founded in 2014. In the past three years, it has actively launched a series of research, training and seminars, focusing on major issues related to Zhongshan’s economic and social development, which provided theoretical and intellectual support to the city’s economic and social development. It also established an expert database, which collected research achievements related to government’s majors work of more than 300 experts.

To make good use of experts from various sectors, the new leadership of ZSRDI proposed to establish four new professional committees. The Economic Development Committee will focus on exploring city economic development strategy, business and financing services, upgrading and adjusting industrial structure, and etc. The Urban Development Committee will focus on developing Zhongshan into an innovative and livable city in terms of “city development”, “city construction”, “city operation” and “city management”. The Social Development Committee will focus on research of the city’s major issues including social security, income distribution, population and employment, public services, social governance and resources, environment and sustainable development. The Structural Reform Committee will focus on pilot reform tasks assigned by higher authorities and provided experience and intelligent support in terms of people’s livelihoods improvement, social vitality stimulation and etc. 

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