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Zhongshan proposes rental service platform
Updated: 2017-11-23    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and China Construction Bank Zhongshan Branch signed cooperative agreement on November 21. Both sides will jointly establish the “Zhongshan Rental Information Supervision and Service Platform”. 

It is learned that the rental service platform pays equal attention to information supervision and service quality as well as ensure the reliability of the housing resource. Citizens and house agencies can release rental information on the platform. All the information will not be shown until being reviewed. 

The platform encourages competition and innovation. It expects more diversified house renting services can be provided to users and meet their demands.

Reportedly, Zhongshan is the fifth city in Guangdong to establish service platform for the supervision of the house renting information, following Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Foshan and Zhaoqing. 

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